

ACALL unconditionally calls a subroutine at the indicated code address. ACALL pushes the address of the instruction that follows ACALL onto the stack, least-significant-byte first, most-significant-byte second. The Program Counter is then updated so that program execution continues at the indicated address.

Introduction to microcontrollers

A micro-controller can be compared to a small stand alone computer, it is a very powerful device, which is capable of executing a series of pre-programmed tasks and interacting with other hardware devices. Being packed in a tiny integrated circuit (IC) whose size and weight is usually negligible, it is becoming the perfect controller for robots or any machines requiring some kind of intelligent automation. A single microcontroller can be sufficient to control a small mobile robot, an automatic washer machine or a security system. Any microcontroller contains a memory to store the program to be executed, and a number of input/output lines that can be used to interact with other devices, like reading the state of a sensor or controlling a motor.

Architecture Pin Diagram

The Intel 8085A is a new generation, complete 8 bit parallel central processing unit (CPU). The 8085A uses a multiplexed data bus. The address is split between the 8bit address bus and the 8bit data bus.


we provide information on the design, development and debugging of Embedded Systems under this section. This information could be useful to the beginners as well as to the advanced Embedded System Developers. These tutorials are under continuous update. So, if you have any suggestions, which might help me to improve the usefulnees of these tutorials, please feel free to provide me your feedback.

Introduction to Microcontrollers

Circumstances that we find ourselves in today in the field of microcontrollers had their beginnings in the development of technology of integrated circuits. This development has made it possible to store hundreds of thousands of transistors into one chip. That was a prerequisite for production of microprocessors , and the first computers were made by adding external peripherals such as memory, input-output lines, timers and other. Further increasing of the volume of the package resulted in creation of integrated circuits. These integrated circuits contained both processor and peripherals. That is how the first chip containing a microcomputer , or what would later be known as a microcontroller came about.

Electronics is a branch of physics and technology that deals with the study of the behavior and movement of electrons in different materials, including semiconductors, conductors, vacuums, and gases. This field encompasses a wide range of topics, from basic electronics theory and circuit design to the development of advanced electronic devices and systems.


ADD and ADDC both add the value operand to the value of the Accumulator, leaving the resulting value in the Accumulator. The value operand is not affected. ADD and ADDC function identically except that ADDC adds the value of operand as well as the value of the Carry flag whereas ADD does not add the Carry flag to the result.

8051-8052 Instruction Set

Mnemonics Opcode


In previous section we discussed about the parallelism which can exists in an appllication. Modern processors employ intelligent processor architectures to exploit the parallelism of the computer programs. In this section we will discuss about different processor architectures.

Microcontroller PIC16F84

PIC16F84 belongs to a class of 8-bit microcontrollers of RISC architecture. Its general structure is shown on the following map representing basic blocks.

Program memory (FLASH)- for storing a written program. 
Since memory  made in FLASH technology can be programmed and cleared more than once, it makes this microcontroller suitable for device development. 

EEPROM - data memory that needs to be saved when there is no supply.
It is usually used for storing important data that must not be lost if power supply suddenly stops. For instance, one such data is an assigned temperature in temperature regulators. If during a loss of power supply this data was lost, we would have to make the adjustment once again upon return of supply. Thus our device looses on self-reliance. 

RAM - data memory used by a program during its execution.
In RAM are stored all inter-results or temporary data during run-time.

The materials are the naturally occurring substances found on Earth that constitute the raw materials upon which our global society exists. Earth materials are vital resources that provide the basic components for life, agriculture, and industry.


AJMP unconditionally jumps to the indicated code address. The new value for the Program Counter is calculated by replacing the least-significant-byte of the Program Counter with the second byte of the AJMP instruction, and replacing bits 0-2 of the most-significant-byte of the Program Counter with 3 bits that indicate the page of the byte following the AJMP instruction. Bits 3-7 of the most-significant-byte of the Program Counter remain unchaged.

Instruction Set and Timing

In order to understand--and better make use of--the 8051, it is necessary to understand some underlying information concerning timing.

Instruction Naming Conventions:

An instruction is a binary pattern designed inside a microprocessor to perform a specific function. The entire group of instructions, called the instruction set, determines what functions the microprocessor can perform. These instructions can be classified into the following five functional categories: data transfer (copy) operations, arithmetic operations, logical operations, branching operations, and machine-control operations.


Peripherals (of a processor) are its means of communicating with the external world.